Online therapy Fees.


Schedule a free of charge appointment, go to: contact us. 


Face to face therapy: 

Therapy session Ljubljana

 First session is free of charge.

Individual session of 60 mins.: € 80,=.

Couples session of 60 mins.: € 80,=.

Please note that in some cases therapy can be reimbursed by your insurance company.


Online therapy fees.

Online therapy sessions

First session is free of charge.

Individual session of 60 mins.: € 80,=.

Couples session of 60 mins.: € 80,=.

Please note that in some cases therapy can be reimbursed by your insurance company.


Couples Counseling

For couples counseling and family counseling it’s common to schedule 2 sessions per appointment (once every two weeks). So one appointment can take up to 120 minutes. Prices are per couple, not per individual.



Cancellation of an appointment is free of charge only if 24 hours notice of cancellation is given in writing by client (sending an e-mail). If this notice is not received, the full amount will be charged to the client.
All information is completely confidential and will not be shared with third parties. Before raising your case, we will always ask for your permission first, and will never use your name, surname or names of friends or acquaintances.



In some cases you can have your therapy reimbursed by your insurance company. Usually, you pay the sessions up front and get the sessions later reimbursed. We strongly recommend you to check your health insurance coverage. Sometimes health insurance companies only reimburse a maximum amount of sessions each year.


Availability (Time zone UTC+2).

Monday       10:00 AM – 03:00 PM CET
Tuesday      08:30 AM – 03:00 PM & 06:00 – 10:00 PM CET 
Wednesday 08:30 AM – 03:00 PM & 04:30 – 07:30 PM CET
Thursday     Closed 
Friday       08:30 AM – 03:00 PM
Saturday     09:30 AM – 03:00 PM 
Sunday      Closed
Online therapy fees

Opening hours


Availability in different time zones.

Please be aware of a difference in time zones. Please check our time difference here.

Would you like to make an appointment? Please contact us.