Borderline personality disorder test
The borderline personality disorder test on this page is not made for diagnostic purposes. This online test, however, does check whether or not you meet (some) the criteria for borderline personality disorder. For a proper Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) diagnosis, it is not only important to meet the criteria for BPD, but also to rule out other mental disorders with overlapping symptoms. For instance, a common misdiagnosis with borderline personality disorder is Bipolar disorder.
Some people with BPD traits have difficulty understanding why their behaviour is so different compared to the people around them. For instance, a common problem for people with BPD is their inability to maintain friendships/relationships the way others do. For other issues common in people with BPD, click here.
This borderline personality disorder test may help explain why your relationships are turbulent, why you fall in and out of love very quickly, and why your behaviour, at times, is very impulsive.
After filling out this online BPD test you get the results immediately accompanied with a proper explanation. The borderline personality disorder test is anonymous and takes only 5 minutes of your time.
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What is Borderline personality disorder?
People with borderline personality disorder try to avoid real or imagined situations of (possible) abandonment. This can result in destructive behaviour, such as suicide attempts and self harm (cutting). The frequent mood swings, impulsiveness, and anger are often the result of the fear of possible abandonment and may push people (partners, friends, family) away. This may intensify the mood swings, impulsiveness, and anger. In other words: people with borderline personality disorder may find themselves in a vicious circle when it comes to social interactions, and may experience the same patterns in various friendships.
Jump to:
- What is borderline personality disorder?
- Borderline personality disorder causes.
- How is borderline diagnosed?
- What are the treatment options for borderline?
- Coping with BPD yourself.
- Living with someone who has BPD.
- Interesting borderline personality disorder facts.
- Online counseling for Borderline personality disorder.
- Take me to the homepage.
At Barends Psychology Practice, we offer (online) therapy for borderline personality disorder. Contact us to schedule a first, free of charge, session.
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