Somatic symptom disorder test
This somatic symptom disorder test can be used to see whether or not you may meet the criteria for somatic symptom disorder (SSD). However, this questionnaire can not be used as a diagnostic tool and does not provide conclusive advice regarding your mental state, however, this somatic symptom disorder test could point you in the right direction regarding treatment.
Somatic symptom disorder (SSD) is a mental disorder that focuses on physical symptoms and the emotional distress it causes. A person with SSD suffers from physical symptoms, but they cannot be (fully) explained by a medical condition. It is possible that you think you have SSD, but in reality, you could have a general medical condition. It is also possible that your general practitioner can not explain why you suffer from known somatic symptoms based on your medical condition. In case of the latter, it may be helpful to take the somatic symptom disorder test to see if you meet certain criteria for SSD and to see if visiting a therapist is recommended.
If left untreated, SSD symptoms can get worse over time, because people with SSD may start avoiding certain sensations and change their behaviour in such ways that it causes other pains and discomforts. In any case, if you have the feeling that these symptoms are not disappearing over time, please visit a general practitioner or a psychiatrist/therapist.
This test won’t take more than 3 minutes of your time and shows immediate results with a recommendation.
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Sometimes people develop SSD after experiencing a traumatic event. If this is the case, please take the PTSD test (the link will appear in the results page). Both test results can be useful for the therapist and general practitioner to evaluate/analyse your situation and to offer you the best treatment possible.
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At Barends Psychology Practice, we offer (online) therapy for somatic symptom disorder. Contact us to schedule a first, free of charge, online session. (Depending on your health insurance, treatment may be reimbursed).
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