Barends Psychology Practice

Business coaching is an indispensable part of successful companies today. To better understand the impact of business coaching for companies, it is useful to look at the approach of top athletes. With top athletes, it is immediately noticeable that they surround themselves with the best sports equipment, the best coaches and that they organize their preparation both physically and mentally as optimally as possible. All this to perform better: the difference between gold and silver.

The difference between gold and silver pays off in success, more exposure and therefore also higher income (sponsors, TV, advertising). An approach that works for top athletes. In other words: an investment that pays for itself many times over. Why wouldn’t it also work for companies?

Most companies mainly look at cutting costs and at marketing, while the focus on personnel is increasingly lagging behind. However, it is precisely the personnel that keeps your company running. The difference between a satisfied, relaxed employee and a dissatisfied, stressed employee is the difference between coffee from a vending machine or a barista.

An overview of problems that ineffective companies often face:

  • low job satisfaction [3], [4], [11], [14],
  • high absenteeism [2], [15], [16],
  • low productivity [6], [9], [10], [11], [14],
  • psychological complaints [4], [5], [8], [9], [16],
  • too much stress [6], [13], [14],
  • emotional instability among employees [8],
  • inefficient management [2], [7], [12],
  • an unhealthy work environment [1],
  • an unhealthy corporate structure [2],
  • high turnover rate [16].

Book a call now

Register here for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about how my approach can meet your company’s needs.

What does business coaching focus on?

Business coaching at Barends Psychology Practice focuses on the above-mentioned aspects within the company to ensure that employees, team leaders and managers can perform as optimally as possible, which is why it is expected that these companies can ultimately generate two to ten times as much turnover.
Due to my academic background in psychology and treatment, my broad experience in running a successful company, and helping various small and large entrepreneurs, start-ups and companies grow, I am convinced that my approach can also work for your company!

How does this work?

Business coaching at Barends Psychology Practice is easy to commence:

  • We schedule a Zoom call to discuss how my business coaching could meet your needs. We will determine what you’re looking for: is it about improving the mental health of your personnel or is it about managing your personnel?
  • You can choose from different introductory packages: focused on managing personnel or focused on the mental health of the team.
  • After the introductory package, you can choose the regular coaching packages.
    *it is not possible to use more than 1 introductory package per company or individual.


Each company can choose an introductory package, at a reduced rate, that suits them best. For information about the rates of the introductory packages and the regular packages, click here.


[1] Voordt, T. V. D., & Jensen, P. A. (2023). The impact of healthy workplaces on employee satisfaction, productivity and costs. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 25(1), 29-49.

[2] Elshout, R., Scherp, E., & van der Feltz-Cornelis, C. M. (2013). Understanding the link between leadership style, employee satisfaction, and absenteeism: a mixed methods design study in a mental health care institution. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 823-837.

[3] Bulińska-Stangrecka, H., & Bagieńska, A. (2021). The role of employee relations in shaping job satisfaction as an element promoting positive mental health at work in the era of COVID-19. International journal of environmental research and public health18(4), 1903.

[4] Cao, X., Zhang, H., Li, P., & Huang, X. (2022). The influence of mental health on job satisfaction: mediating effect of psychological capital and social capital. Frontiers in Public Health10, 797274.

[5] Kitagawa, R., Kuroda, S., Okudaira, H., & Owan, H. (2021). Working from home: Its effects on productivity and mental health. Covid Economics74(30), 142-171.

[6] Priya, J., Machani, P., Agyei, I. T., Suryanarayana, N. V. S., Thandayuthapani, S., & Lourens, M. (2023). Effects of performance and target pressure on the psychological well-being of corporate employees. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities6(8s), 218-227.

[7] Gosnell, G. K., List, J. A., & Metcalfe, R. D. (2020). The impact of management practices on employee productivity: A field experiment with airline captains. Journal of Political Economy128(4), 1195-1233.

[8] Kundi, Y. M., Sardar, S., & Badar, K. (2022). Linking performance pressure to employee work engagement: the moderating role of emotional stability. Personnel Review51(3), 841-860.

[9] de Oliveira, C., Saka, M., Bone, L. et al. The Role of Mental Health on Workplace Productivity: A Critical Review of the Literature. Appl Health Econ Health Policy 21, 167–193 (2023).

[10] Priyadarshini, C., Dubey, R. K., Kumar, Y. L. N., & Jha, R. R. (2020). Impact of a social media addiction on employees’ wellbeing and work productivity. The Qualitative Report25(1), 181-196.

[11] Uka, A., & Prendi, A. (2021). Motivation as an indicator of performance and productivity from the perspective of employees. Management & Marketing16(3), 268-285.

[12] Setiawan, R., Cavaliere, L. P. L., Navarro, E. R., Wisetsri, W., Jirayus, P., Chauhan, S., … & Rajan, R. (2021). The impact of leadership styles on employees productivity in organizations: A comparative study among leadership styles. Productivity Management26(1), 382-404.

[13] Isham, A., Mair, S., & Jackson, T. (2020). Wellbeing and productivity: a review of the literature.

[14] Yang, S. Y., Chen, S. C., Lee, L., & Liu, Y. S. (2021). Employee stress, job satisfaction, and job performance: a comparison between high-technology and traditional industry in Taiwan. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business8(3), 605-618.

[15] Kocakulah, M. C., Kelley, A. G., Mitchell, K. M., & Ruggieri, M. P. (2016). Absenteeism problems and costs: causes, effects and cures. The International Business & Economics Research Journal (Online)15(3), 89.

[16] Goetzel, R. Z., Ozminkowski, R. J., Sederer, L. I., & Mark, T. L. (2002). The business case for quality mental health services: why employers should care about the mental health and well-being of their employees. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine44(4), 320-330.