What is acute stress disorder?

Acute stress disorder facts

Acute stress disorder facts


Acute stress disorder (ASD), also known as “shock,” is a mental condition that occurs at least three days after experiencing a traumatic event (such as traffic accidents, assaults, war, sexual violence, or natural disasters). It typically resolves within a month after the traumatic event but can develop into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if symptoms persist. Approximately one in five adults develop acute stress disorder following a traumatic event [1], and between 8% and 24% of children and adolescents experience ASD after a traffic accident [2],[3]. Women are more likely to develop ASD compared to men: 23% versus 8% [4].

Although this condition often resolves within a month, diagnosing ASD is crucial for several reasons:
1. People with ASD endure significant distress from its symptoms.
2. 57% of men and 92% of women with ASD go on to develop PTSD [4].
3. There are effective strategies to reduce the impact of ASD on those affected.

Understanding acute stress disorder also helps relatives and friends better support someone dealing with ASD. Individuals with ASD may experience symptoms such as concentration problems, irritability, difficulties remembering certain aspects of the traumatic event, and mood swings. Additionally, ASD is associated with physical health issues, particularly chronic pain [8].

By learning what it means to have ASD, relatives and friends can provide meaningful support. A strong support network and family cohesion have been shown to reduce psychological distress and alleviate ASD symptoms [5],[6].

If you would like a therapist to help you with these issues, you can book a free, no-obligation consultation with us here.


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At Barends Psychology Practice, acute stress disorder treatment is being offered (also online). Go to contact us to schedule a first, free session.


Acute stress disorder – signs and risk factors

Acute stress disorder facts

Acute stress disorder facts


Not only do people who directly experience a traumatic event develop ASD; witnessing a traumatic event or learning that it occurred to a close friend or relative can also lead to the development of ASD. Additionally, repeated exposure to the consequences of traumatic events (e.g., disaster workers) can trigger ASD [7].

    Some individuals are at a higher risk of developing ASD:

  • Women are more likely to develop ASD.
  • People whose narrative of the traumatic event is more disorganized.
  • Individuals who hold more negative beliefs about themselves after the traumatic event.
  • Professionals working in fields with frequent exposure to traumatic events, such as disaster workers, police officers, and firefighters.
  • Younger and unmarried individuals.
  • For more information about risk factors, please visit: ASD facts.



Symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder

Acute stress disorder symptoms

Acute stress disorder symptoms

People with acute stress disorder may experience symptoms that fall into five categories:

  • 1. Intrusion: Recurrent distressing dreams or memories of the traumatic event, flashbacks, and prolonged psychological distress.
  • 2. Negative Mood: Inability to experience positive emotions, such as happiness, excitement, or feelings of love.
  • 3. Dissociation: Difficulty remembering details of the traumatic event, or feeling as though time is slowing down.
  • 4. Avoidance: Avoiding reminders or memories of the traumatic event.
  • 5. Arousal: Increased irritability, sleep problems, and concentration difficulties.

For the official diagnostic criteria for ASD, click here.

Acute Stress Disorder at work

Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) has been linked to significant negative impacts on work performance, increased burnout, and heightened anxiety levels among professionals. For instance, a study involving primary and secondary school teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic found that higher levels of ASD correlated with increased job burnout, particularly in male teachers [8]. Similarly, healthcare professionals exposed to acute workplace stressors, such as those experienced during pandemics, exhibited elevated rates of ASD, leading to diminished work performance and greater susceptibility to burnout and anxiety disorders [9]. These findings underscore the critical need for effective stress management interventions to mitigate the adverse effects of ASD on employees’ mental health and job performance.



  • [1] Holeva, V., Tarrier, N., & Wells, A. (2001). Prevalence and predictors of acute stress disorder and PTSD following road traffic accidents: Thought control strategies and social support. Behavior Therapy, 32, 65-83.
  • [2] Meiser-Stedman, R., Yule, W., Smith, P., Glucksman, E., & Dalgleish, T. (2005). Acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents involved in assaults or motor vehicle accidents. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 1381-1383.
  • [3] Forbes, D., Creamer, M., Phelps, A., Bryant, R., McFarlane, A., Devilly, G. J., … & Newton, S. (2007). Australian guidelines for the treatment of adults with acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41, 637-648.
  • [4] Bryant, R. A., & Harvey, A. G. (2003). Gender differences in the relationship between acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder following motor vehicle accidents. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 37, 226-229.
  • [5] Holeva, V., Tarrier, N., & Wells, A. (2001). Prevalence and predictors of acute stress disorder and PTSD following road traffic accidents: Thought control strategies and social support. Behavior Therapy, 32, 65-83.
  • [6] Shaw, R. J., Deblois, T., Ikuta, L., Ginzburg, K., Fleisher, B., & Koopman, C. (2006). Acute stress disorder among parents of infants in the neonatal intensive care nursery. Psychosomatics, 47, 206-212.
  • [7] Fullerton, C. S., Ursano, R. J., & Wang, L. (2004). Acute stress disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression in disaster or rescue workers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 1370-1376.
  • [8] Li, Q., Miao, Y., Zeng, X., Tarimo, C. S., Wu, C., & Wu, J. (2022). Acute stress disorder and job burnout in primary and secondary school teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: The moderating effect of sense of control. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 904588. 
  • [9] Kara, S., & Çalışkan, B. (2023). Editorial: Anxiety, burnout, and stress among healthcare professionals. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 10808712.
  • https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12144-022-03134-7.pdf