Avoidant personality disorder test.

Avoidant personality disorder facts. Avoidant personality disorder test.

Avoidant personality disorder facts.

This avoidant personality disorder test can be used to see whether or not you may meet the criteria for avoidant personality disorder (avoidant PD or AVPD). It’s possible that you think you have avoidant PD, but in reality, you have social phobia. In other cases, people deny having avoidant PD, but suffer a lot from the avoidant PD symptoms. This avoidant personality disorder test can help you identify the symptoms you suffer from and can give you an indication about a possible avoidant PD.

If left untreated, AVPD symptoms get worse over time, because people with avoidant PD tend to isolate themselves more and more. Even contacting a professional becomes more difficult over time. So, use this avoidant personality disorder test wisely and reach out to a professional for help if these test results recommend you so.
This test won’t take more than 3 minutes of your time and shows immediate results with a recommendation.
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People can develop AVPD due to family genetics (it can run in the family) or the way someone has been raised. Chances of developing avoidant PD increase significantly when someone experienced emotional/physical/sexual abuse as a child/adolescent. Also being bullied in school can cause avoidant PD symptoms to develop. Fortunately, avoidant PD can be treated effectively and online.
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At Barends Psychology Practice, we offer (online) therapy for avoidant personality disorder. Contact us to schedule a first, free of charge, online session. (Depending on your health insurance, treatment may be reimbursed).

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Welcome to the Avoidant personality disorder test


In front of other people I fear being embarrassed by blushing or showing signs of anxiety.


I find it difficult to approach people and/or follow up after a conversation with someone I just met.


I get upset in the face of rejection.


I feel socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others.


I prefer jobs that are solitary.


I only want to meet people when I am certain that they like me.


I tend to avoid social situations because I am afraid to say or do something embarrassing.


I am easily hurt by criticism or disapproval.


I tend to daydream a lot.


Other than my close family, I only have one close friend.


I tend to avoid emotional involvement that could cause pain and anguish.


I am more reserved in intimate relationships because of fear of being shamed or ridiculed.

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